

    Glorious Bastards

    It may just be me in my internet bubble and with my unique tastes, but there seems to be a decline in the love...

    Bad Reputation

    When you get to a certain level of popularity as an artist, your image becomes almost as important as your music. Some artists like...

    A Study In Vulgarity

    Vulgarity in art is a contentious topic. Some believe in the free expression of art with no stipulations, some believe art should be censored...

    Friendship Unlocked

    Friendship is an interesting aspect of life, you make a connection with someone and suddenly you care about the entire existence of another person,...

    Alright Austin

    I have never been the biggest Post Malone fan, I first remember hearing him when he was one of the biggest artists of the...

    “Looks perfect to me”

    This should not have been good, there were almost no reasons this was going to be good. After the 5 year wait, after the...

    Mislead To Greatness

    According to definition on this site, singer-songwriter music is music that is “Heavily focused on lyrics and songwriting, with musical accompaniment tending to take...

    Metal Novice Reviews A Classic

    I’m going to preface this by noting that I am by no means a metalhead or even seasoned in metal. I am somewhat of...

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